The infographic above highlights the benefits of using hyperthermia as an adjunct treatment for MIBC (Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer). Information based on a dual-arm study Long-Term Experience of Chemoradiotherapy Combined with Deep Regional Hyperthermia for Organ Preservation in High-Risk Bladder Cancer (Ta, Tis, T1, T2) by Merten, et al., published in the December 2019 issue of The Oncologist. The study treated 369 patients from 1982-2016. Patients in the RCT-RHT group received deep regional hyperthermia, once a week, using the Pyrexar BSD-2000/3D.
An important conclusion is that, not only is RCT+HT an alternative to the surgical cystectomy, but it actually preserves the bladder function where the cystectomy damages normal function of the bladder
What the study may not highlight is the improved quality of life compared to the current standard of care, Cystectomy. If you have a radical cystectomy, you'll need reconstructive surgery to create a new way for urine to leave your body. Depending on the type of reconstruction, patients may need to learn how to empty a urostomy bag or have a catheter into their stoma.
Cystectomy Side Effects not found in hyperthermic approach:
- Infections
- Urine leaks
- Incontinence
- Pouch stones
- Blockage of urine flow
- Erectile Disfunction
- Absorption problems (depends on the amount of intestine that was used)
The complete article is available on the NIH PubMed website.